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This Grade 9 cross-country runner's growth over the past few years has been nothing less than extraordinary. 去年, Liam asked to move up a level but then decided to stay put in order to gather more points for the team. When he requested to move up a level this year, it was an automatic, yes. Liam always works hard in practice by going the extra mile (pun intended). With three first-place finishes in ETIAC at the senior level and finishing seventh in the cadet level (being the youngest in his age category) at the RSEQ Regional meet, 利亚姆有资格参加省级比赛, which he participated in this past weekend. This young man’s continued drive to work hard is really something that his teammates look up to. 他的前途一片光明. Congratulations to this week’s Athlete of the Week, from cross-country running, Liam Sumun. 